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What Worthwhile Anna Robertson Brown Pdf

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Dorothy CiminoBrown, DVM, MSCE, DACVS; Raymond C.Boston, PhD; James C.Coyne, PhD; John T.Farrar, MD, PhD
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Anna Robertson Brown Lindsay. 4.11 Rating details 18 ratings 3 reviews 'What is Worth While?' This fascinating little book, written in 1893, starts out with. Anna Robertson Brown Lindsay. Crowell, 1893 - Conduct of life - 32 pages. Preview this book.

What Worthwhile Anna Robertson Brown Pdf Book

Department of Clinical Studies and Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (Brown); Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (Boston); Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (Coyne); Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104. (Farrar)

Objective—To determine whether the Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) can detect changes in dogs with osteoarthritis treated with an NSAID or a placebo.

Design—Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial.

Animals—70 dogs with osteoarthritis.

Procedures—Owners completed the CBPI on day 0. Dogs received carprofen or a placebo on days 1 through 14. Owners completed the CBPI again on day 14. Pain severity and pain interference scores from the CBPI were calculated, and the change from day 0 to day 14 was assessed within each group and between groups.

Results—No significant differences were detected in median scores for pain severity (3.50 and 3.25 on days 0 and 14, respectively) and pain interference (3.92 and 3.25 on days 0 and 14, respectively) in dogs receiving the placebo. Dogs receiving carprofen had significant changes in median scores for pain severity (4.25 to 2.25 on days 0 and 14, respectively) and pain interference (4.33 to 2.67 on days 0 and 14, respectively). There was a significantly greater improvement in pain severity and pain interference scores in dogs treated with carprofen, compared with improvement in scores for dogs receiving the placebo.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—The CBPI was able to detect improvements in pain scores in dogs with osteoarthritis treated with an NSAID or a placebo. These results, in combination with previous reliability and validity testing, support the use of the CBPI to obtain quantifiable assessments from owners regarding the severity and impact of chronic pain and treatment for dogs with osteoarthritis.

What Worthwhile Anna Robertson Brown Pdf Free

Amber L.GunstraDVM; Jeffrey A.SteurerMS, DVM; Bradford C.DixonMS, DVM and Rachel L.SiebertDVM. (2019) Description and outcome of prosthetic ligament placement for stabilization of medial or dorsomedial tarsometatarsal joint luxation in dogs and cats: 16 cases (2004–2017). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association255:3, 336-344.
Online publication date: 12-Jul-2019.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (3549 KB) | PDF Plus (487 KB) | Supplementary Material
Katie C.Kennedy, Steven A.Martinez, Stephanie E.Martinez, Russell L.Tucker, Neal M.Davies. (2018) Effects of low-level laser therapy on bone healing and signs of pain in dogs following tibial plateau leveling osteotomy. American Journal of Veterinary Research79:8, 893-904.
Online publication date: 30-Jul-2018.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (210 KB) | PDF Plus (312 KB) | Supplementary Material
Lívia R.TeixeiraDVM, PhD; Stelio P. L.LunaDVM, PhD; Lídia M.MatsubaraDVM, PhD; Maria L. B.CápuaDVM, PhD; Bianca P. C. R.SantosDVM, MSc; Luciane R.MesquitaDVM, PhD; Luis G.FariaDVM, MSc; Felipe S.AgostinhoDVM, MSc; AnnaHielm-BjörkmanDVM, PhD. (2016) Owner assessment of chronic pain intensity and results of gait analysis of dogs with hip dysplasia treated with acupuncture. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association249:9, 1031-1039.
Online publication date: 21-Oct-2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (366 KB) | PDF Plus (367 KB)
David A.Upchurch, DVM; Walter C.Renberg, DVM, MS; James K.Roush, DVM, MS; George A.Milliken, PhD; Mark L.Weiss, PhD. (2016) Effects of administration of adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction and platelet-rich plasma to dogs with osteoarthritis of the hip joints. American Journal of Veterinary Research77:9, 940-951.
Online publication date: 31-Aug-2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (303 KB) | PDF Plus (272 KB)
Anna E.DunlapDVM; Stanley E.KimBVSc, MS; Daniel D.LewisDVM; Scott A.ChristopherVMD; AntonioPozziDVM, MS. (2016) Outcomes and complications following surgical correction of grade IV medial patellar luxation in dogs: 24 cases (2008–2014). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association249:2, 208-213.
Online publication date: 5-Jul-2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (93 KB) | PDF Plus (112 KB)
Amy C.Rhoades, DVM; WilliamVernau, BVMS, DVSC, PhD; Philip H.Kass, DVM, MPVM, PhD; Melissa A.Herrera, DVM; Jane E.Sykes, BVSC, PhD. (2016) Comparison of the efficacy of prednisone and cyclosporine for treatment of dogs with primary immune-mediated polyarthritis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association248:4, 395-404.
Online publication date: 1-Feb-2016.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (309 KB) | PDF Plus (296 KB)
Ralph P.Webster, BVSc; Gail I.Anderson, BVSc, PhD; David P.Gearing, PhD. (2014) Canine Brief Pain Inventory scores for dogs with osteoarthritis before and after administration of a monoclonal antibody against nerve growth factor. American Journal of Veterinary Research75:6, 532-535.
Online publication date: 27-May-2014.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (87 KB) | PDF Plus (91 KB)
Dorothy CiminoBrown, DVM, MS; MargieBell, MS; LindaRhodes, VDM, PhD. (2013) Power of treatment success definitions when the Canine Brief Pain Inventory is used to evaluate carprofen treatment for the control of pain and inflammation in dogs with osteoarthritis. American Journal of Veterinary Research74:12, 1467-1473.
Online publication date: 25-Nov-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (108 KB) | PDF Plus (125 KB)

What Worthwhile Anna Robertson Brown Pdf 2017

Maria A.Fahie, DVM, DACVS; Girolamo A.Ortolano, PhD; VincentGuercio, BS; Jeffrey A.Schaffer, DVM; GaryJohnston, DVM, DACVR; JenniferAu, DVM, DACVS; Bianca A.Hettlich, Dr med vet, DACVS; TomPhillips, DVM, PhD; Matthew J.Allen, Vet MB, PhD; Alicia L.Bertone, DVM, PhD, DACVS. (2013) A randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of autologous platelet therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association243:9, 1291-1297.
Online publication date: 17-Oct-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (296 KB) | PDF Plus (312 KB)
Sari H.Mölsä, DVM; Anna K.Hielm-Björkman, DVM, PhD; Outi M.Laitinen-Vapaavuori, DVM, PhD. (2013) Use of an owner questionnaire to evaluate long-term surgical outcome and chronic pain after cranial cruciate ligament repair in dogs: 253 cases (2004–2006). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association243:5, 689-695.
Online publication date: 23-Aug-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (341 KB) | PDF Plus (349 KB)

What Worthwhile Anna Robertson Brown Pdf Download

Wanda J.Gordon-Evans, DVM, PhD, DACVS; Dominique J.Griffon, DVM, PhD, DACVS; CarrieBubb; Kim M.Knap; MeghanSullivan, DVM, DACVS; Richard B.Evans, Phd. (2013) Comparison of lateral fabellar suture and tibial plateau leveling osteotomy techniques for treatment of dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association243:5, 675-680.
Online publication date: 23-Aug-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (261 KB) | PDF Plus (257 KB)
Katja L.Wucherer, DVM; Michael G.Conzemius, DVM, PhD, DACVS; RichardEvans, PhD; Vicki L.Wilke, DVM, PhD, DACVS. (2013) Short-term and long-term outcomes for overweight dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture treated surgically or nonsurgically. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association242:10, 1364-1372.
Online publication date: 1-May-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (366 KB) | PDF Plus (375 KB)
Michael G.Conzemius, DVM, PhD, DACVS; Richard B.Evans, PhD. (2012) Caregiver placebo effect for dogs with lameness from osteoarthritis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association241:10, 1314-1319.
Online publication date: 31-Oct-2012.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (311 KB) | PDF Plus (299 KB)
Anna K.Hielm-Björkman, DVM, PhD; Amy S.Kapatkin, DVM, MS; Hannu J.Rita, PhD. (2011) Reliability and validity of a visual analogue scale used by owners to measure chronic pain attributable to osteoarthritis in their dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research72:5, 601-607.
Online publication date: 1-May-2011.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (396 KB) | PDF Plus (413 KB)
HeliaZamprogno, DVM, PhD Bernie D.Hansen, DVM Howard D.Bondell, PhD Andrea ThomsonSumrell​‌ WendySimpson, DVM Ian D.Robertson, BVSc JamesBrown, DVM Anthony P.Pease, DVM, MS Simon C.Roe, BVSc, PhD Elizabeth M.Hardie, DVM, PhD Simon J.Wheeler, BVSc, PhD B. Duncan X.Lascelles, BVSc, PhD. (2010) Item generation and design testing of a questionnaire to assess degenerative joint disease–associated pain in cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research71:12, 1417-1424.
Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (364 KB) | PDF Plus (381 KB)
Dorothy CiminoBrown, DVM, MSCE, DACYS; Raymond C.Boston, PhD; John T.Farrar, MD, PhD. (2010) Use of an activity monitor to detect response to treatment in dogs with osteoarthritis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association237:1, 66-70.
Online publication date: 1-Jul-2010.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (559 KB) | PDF Plus (568 KB)
What Worthwhile Anna Robertson Brown Pdf

What Worthwhile Anna Robertson Brown Pdf 2017

Maria A.Fahie, DVM, DACVS; Girolamo A.Ortolano, PhD; VincentGuercio, BS; Jeffrey A.Schaffer, DVM; GaryJohnston, DVM, DACVR; JenniferAu, DVM, DACVS; Bianca A.Hettlich, Dr med vet, DACVS; TomPhillips, DVM, PhD; Matthew J.Allen, Vet MB, PhD; Alicia L.Bertone, DVM, PhD, DACVS. (2013) A randomized controlled trial of the efficacy of autologous platelet therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association243:9, 1291-1297.
Online publication date: 17-Oct-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (296 KB) | PDF Plus (312 KB)
Sari H.Mölsä, DVM; Anna K.Hielm-Björkman, DVM, PhD; Outi M.Laitinen-Vapaavuori, DVM, PhD. (2013) Use of an owner questionnaire to evaluate long-term surgical outcome and chronic pain after cranial cruciate ligament repair in dogs: 253 cases (2004–2006). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association243:5, 689-695.
Online publication date: 23-Aug-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (341 KB) | PDF Plus (349 KB)

What Worthwhile Anna Robertson Brown Pdf Download

Wanda J.Gordon-Evans, DVM, PhD, DACVS; Dominique J.Griffon, DVM, PhD, DACVS; CarrieBubb; Kim M.Knap; MeghanSullivan, DVM, DACVS; Richard B.Evans, Phd. (2013) Comparison of lateral fabellar suture and tibial plateau leveling osteotomy techniques for treatment of dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association243:5, 675-680.
Online publication date: 23-Aug-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (261 KB) | PDF Plus (257 KB)
Katja L.Wucherer, DVM; Michael G.Conzemius, DVM, PhD, DACVS; RichardEvans, PhD; Vicki L.Wilke, DVM, PhD, DACVS. (2013) Short-term and long-term outcomes for overweight dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture treated surgically or nonsurgically. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association242:10, 1364-1372.
Online publication date: 1-May-2013.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (366 KB) | PDF Plus (375 KB)
Michael G.Conzemius, DVM, PhD, DACVS; Richard B.Evans, PhD. (2012) Caregiver placebo effect for dogs with lameness from osteoarthritis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association241:10, 1314-1319.
Online publication date: 31-Oct-2012.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (311 KB) | PDF Plus (299 KB)
Anna K.Hielm-Björkman, DVM, PhD; Amy S.Kapatkin, DVM, MS; Hannu J.Rita, PhD. (2011) Reliability and validity of a visual analogue scale used by owners to measure chronic pain attributable to osteoarthritis in their dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research72:5, 601-607.
Online publication date: 1-May-2011.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (396 KB) | PDF Plus (413 KB)
HeliaZamprogno, DVM, PhD Bernie D.Hansen, DVM Howard D.Bondell, PhD Andrea ThomsonSumrell​‌ WendySimpson, DVM Ian D.Robertson, BVSc JamesBrown, DVM Anthony P.Pease, DVM, MS Simon C.Roe, BVSc, PhD Elizabeth M.Hardie, DVM, PhD Simon J.Wheeler, BVSc, PhD B. Duncan X.Lascelles, BVSc, PhD. (2010) Item generation and design testing of a questionnaire to assess degenerative joint disease–associated pain in cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research71:12, 1417-1424.
Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (364 KB) | PDF Plus (381 KB)
Dorothy CiminoBrown, DVM, MSCE, DACYS; Raymond C.Boston, PhD; John T.Farrar, MD, PhD. (2010) Use of an activity monitor to detect response to treatment in dogs with osteoarthritis. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association237:1, 66-70.
Online publication date: 1-Jul-2010.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF (559 KB) | PDF Plus (568 KB)

Autodata crack dongle key for software. Listen to episode 329 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: A Life Worthwhile | Commencement Speeches by Women. Edited and adapted from 'What is Worth While?' by Anna Robertson Brown. A special sample episode from our patron series Our Sunday Talks.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. Wishing all of you a happy and joyful Christmas day. Today's reading was edited and adapted from 'What is Worth While?' by Anna Robertson Brown, published in 1893.

We only have one life to live! We all want to do our best with it. We all want to make the most of it. How can we best get hold of it? How can we accomplish the most with the energies and powers at our command? What is worthwhile?

We all ask ourselves this question. It is especially common upon graduating from university. But our first years out of college are apt to be anxious, unsatisfactory, disappointing. Time slips away in further preparation, in experiment, in useless or misdirected efforts. The world does not prove to be the same that it seemed to be in the quiet college surroundings. Duty is not so clear as then, nor work so well-defined. Life is harder to handle than we thought.

One finds that theories fail, and yet one has not had positive experience enough to know just where the difficulty lies. It is of a few simple things that 'my own life has proved true' that I shall speak with you today.

Life is large. We cannot possibly grasp the whole of it in the few years that we have to live. What is vital? What is essential? What may we profitably let go? Let us ask ourselves these questions.

To begin with, what may we let go? Who shall say? By what standard shall we measure? By what authority decide? Each of us must answer that question for ourselves. But when I look about for an answer, I find only one that satisfies me. It is this: We may let go of all things which we cannot carry into the eternal life.

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